R3D3 has wowed its audiences at the DRONGO language festival in Utrecht (29-30 September) and the Twente Science Night in Enschede (7 October, see image below). Its tour will continue in Breda and other places.

R3D3 has wowed its audiences at the DRONGO language festival in Utrecht (29-30 September) and the Twente Science Night in Enschede (7 October, see image below). Its tour will continue in Breda and other places.
On 4 May 2017, Jeroen Linssen (work package 4) successfully defended his dissertation “Meta Matters in Interactive Storytelling and Serious Gaming: A Play on Worlds”.
The dissertation is available through the Open Access Repository of the University of Twente here: http://doc.utwente.nl/104595/
Besides his dissertation, during the past year Jeroen also worked on the COMMIT/ valorisation project R3D3.